Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ramblings about my day (1-19-11)

Well since we had a snow day yesterday, today officially started classes. And so it also started my real life. I had to run a bunch of on-campus errands, which is irrelevant, but I feel a need to point out how amazing my luck was.

The line in the mail room was something like 30 people long, and all I wanted to do was figure out how to get a new mail key, so I asked the girl that was next in line if I could just ask a question and she said yeah, so I asked the guy how to get a new room key. Then he had me fill out a paper, and said that would be my mail key for the next week until they got the copy made; and that if I needed to check my mail, to just hand that to the person at the counter. So I thought about it, and I was already standing at the counter, so I said "well, can I do it now?" and he said yeah. So even though I originally had no real intention of cutting all of those people in line, I did. Forgive me if you were one of them, but that honestly made my day. And then I ended up having fourteen books waiting for me, which was both ridiculous and awesome.

My classes were fine. I had my school observation class, capping (which I'm personally looking forward too), and a meeting about my American lit seminar, which I'm being forced to take outside the actual class time, but such is life. Then somehow I got roped into doing some ridiculously intense video work-out (INSANNNITTYTYYTYTYTY) and I literally copped out about 5-8minutes in, but even that was too much. I just want to take a ballet class! That's all I ask of the universe.

Then I did some cute RA stuff and now I'm sitting here wondering how on earth it could be midnight already. I feel like I have so much to do and the days just keep flying by. I guess that's the feeling of real life lol.

p.s. the soundtrack to this day was Borneo and Stoned Soul Picnic on repeat.

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